[Overview][Resource strings][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'tiObject' (#tiopf)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Base class for list objects


Source position: tiObject.pas line 551

type TtiObjectList = class(TtiObject) end;


  function GetCount; virtual;

  function GetCapacity;

  procedure SetCapacity();

  function GetItems(); virtual;

  procedure SetItems(); virtual;

  procedure SetItemOwner(); virtual;

  procedure AssignPublicProps(); override;

  procedure AssignClassProps(); override;

  function IndexOfBinary(); virtual;

  function IndexOfFullScan(); virtual;


  constructor Create; override;

  destructor Destroy; override;

  procedure Assign(); override;

  procedure AssignCaptions();

  procedure AssignCaptionsAndObjects();

  property Count: Integer; [r]


The number of items in the list

  property Capacity: Integer; [rw]

  property CountNotDeleted: Integer; [r]


The number of items in the list that are not marked as deleted

  property Items []: TtiObject; default; [rw]

  property OwnsObjects: Boolean; [rw]


Does the list own the objects it contains?

  property ItemOwner: TtiObject; [rw]

  property AutoSetItemOwner: Boolean; [rw]

  function Find();


Finds the object in the list whose OID value matches

  function FindInHierarchy(); overload;


Finds the object in the list whose OID value matches

  function FindSortedUntyped();

  procedure ForEach();


Performs the method pMethod on every object in the list

  function Add(); virtual; overload;


Add an object to the list

  procedure Clear; virtual;


Empty list and delete all owned objects

  procedure Empty; virtual;


Empty list, but do not delete owned objects

  function IndexOf();


The index of the specified object in the list

  function Last; virtual;


The last object in the list

  function First; virtual;


The first object in the list

  function FirstExcludeDeleted; virtual;


Returns the first item in the list that hasn't been marked deleted

  function LastExcludeDeleted; virtual;


Returns the last item in the list that hasn't been marked deleted

  procedure Delete(); virtual;


Removes the object at a specified position and (if OwnsObject is True) frees the object

  function Remove(); virtual;


Removes the specified item from the list and (if OwnsObject is True) frees the object

  procedure Extract(); virtual;


Removes the specified object from the list without freeing the object

  procedure Insert();


Adds an object to the list at the position specified by Index

  procedure MarkListItemsForDeletion; virtual;


Sets all items in the list as ready for deletion

  procedure FreeDeleted;

  procedure MarkListItemsDirty; virtual;


Sets all items in the list as needing updating to the database

  procedure PropToStrings(); virtual;


Insert the ObjectList's objects into a TStrings class using APropName as caption

  function FindByProps(); virtual;


Find the first object with a matching property and value pair

  procedure SortByProps(); virtual;


Sorts the list by the properties specified

  procedure SortByOID; virtual;


Sorts the list by each member's OID value

  procedure CompareWith(); virtual;


Compare Self with AList. Fire an event for each object depending on the differences

  function GetEnumerator;


  property List: TList; [r]


This must be published so it can be used by the tiPerAware controls




Base class for list objects




Base class for single objects




The class that gets visited






Base class for list objects. TtiObjectList is used to store lists of TtiObject's.

See also



Base class for single objects


  // Template for creating TtiObjectList and TtiObject stubs...
  TMyClasses = class;
  TMyClass   = class;

  TMyClasses = class(TtiObjectList)
    function    GetItems(i: integer): TMyClass; reintroduce;
    procedure   SetItems(i: integer; const Value: TMyClass); reintroduce;
    function    GetOwner: TMyClasses; reintroduce;
    procedure   SetOwner(const Value: TMyClasses); reintroduce;
    property    Items[i:integer]: TMyClass read GetItems write SetItems;
    procedure   Add(pObject: TMyClass; pDefDispOrdr: boolean = true); reintroduce;
    property    Owner: TMyClass read GetOwner write SetOwner;

  TMyClass = class(TtiObject)
    function    GetOwner: TMyClasses; reintroduce;
    procedure   SetOwner(const Value: TMyClasses); reintroduce;
    property    Owner: TMyClasses read GetOwner write SetOwner;

Documentation generated on: 2017-08-16