[Overview][Resource strings][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'tiObject' (#tiopf)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Base class for single objects


Source position: tiObject.pas line 330

type TtiObject = class(TtiVisited) end;


  FOwner: TtiObject;


Used to sidestep the GetOwner and SetOwner

  function GetDeleted; virtual;

  procedure SetDeleted(); virtual;

  procedure SetDirty(); virtual;

  procedure SetObjectState(); virtual;

  function GetObjectState; virtual;

  function OIDGenerator; virtual;

  function GetOID; virtual;

  function GetDirty; virtual;

  function GetOwner; virtual;

  procedure SetOwner(); virtual;

  function GetParent; virtual;

  procedure AssignPublicProps(); virtual;

  procedure AssignPublishedProp();

  function CountPropsByType();

  procedure AssignPublishedProps();

  procedure AssignClassProps(); virtual;


You must override this in the concrete if there are class properties

  function GetIndex;

  procedure DoFindAllNotUnique(); virtual;

  function GetPropValue(); virtual;

  procedure SetPropValue(); virtual;

  procedure DoGetFieldBounds();


Override this to implement field bounds.

  procedure ReadPK();


Read in the primary Key values only from the database for this object

  procedure ReadThis();


Read this object, but no owned objects from the database

  procedure Read();


Read this object, along with any owned objects from the database

  procedure Save();


Updates the database with the current property values for this object

  procedure StopObserving(); virtual;


This object instance will stop observing the ASubject.


  constructor Create; override;


Creates a new instance of the class

  constructor CreateNew();


Creates a new instance of the class

  destructor Destroy; override;

  function Equals(); virtual;


Does this object equal another?

  property OID: TtiOID; [r]


The OID of this object

  property ObjectState: TPerObjectState; [rw]


The current state of this object

  property Owner: TtiObject; [rw]


The class that owns this object

  property Parent: TtiObject; [r]


The parent of this object

  property PropValue []: Variant; [rw]


Returns the value of the property specified in APropName

  function IsReadWriteProp(); virtual;


Is the specified property read and write?

  function PropType();


Return the TtiTypeKind (simple property type) of the property

  property Deleted: Boolean; [rw]


Is this object deleted?

  property Dirty: Boolean; [rw]


Is this object out of sync with the persistence layer?

  property Index: Integer; [r]

  function ObjectStateAsString;


Returns this objects state as a string value

  function Find();


Find an object in the hierarchy by OID with the OID passed as a string or as a TOID object

  function FindAll();


Find all objects in the hierarchy using the find method passed

  function IsUnique(); virtual;


Is this object unique in the hierarchy?

  function Clone; virtual;


Creates a cloned instance of this object

  procedure Assign(); virtual;


Copy this object to another

  function TopOfHierarchy; virtual;


Returns the object at the top of the hierarchy

  procedure SetAllObjectStates(); virtual;


Set every object in the hierarchy's ObjectState to pObjectState

  function IsValid();


Is the Object a valid one

  function GetFieldBounds();


Get the minimum and maximum values for a property

  procedure AssignFieldList();

  procedure ForceAsCreate();


ForceAsCreate will get a new OID, and set ObjectState := posCreate

  function AsDebugString();


Display the object tree as a string for debugging

  function PropCount();


Return the propery count filter by APropFilter

  procedure AttachObserver(); virtual;


Attach a new observer

  procedure DetachObserver(); virtual;


Detach a existing observer

  procedure BeginUpdate();


Start a update process for Observers

  procedure EndUpdate;


End a update process for Observers

  function NotifyObserversHelper();

  procedure Update();


Only needed if performing an observing role

  procedure NotifyObservers();


Notify all the attached observers about a change

  property ObserverList: TList; [rw]


Used to get access to the internal observer list

  property UpdateTopicList: TStringList; [r]




Base class for single objects




The class that gets visited






Base class for single objects. Most of your business objects will be decendents of this class.

Documentation generated on: 2017-08-16