[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'tiVisitor' (#tiopf)


Defines three ways a TtiVisitor can iterate over a TtiVisited.


Source position: tiVisitor.pas line 44

type TtiIterationStyle = (



Touch all nodes in the graph of objects as they appear. As new objects are written to the graph, iterate over these too.



Read all objects in the graph into a list and iterate over these. Objects that are read into the graph as part of the iteration process are not touched as part of this iteration. isTopDownSinglePass is useful when a large number of objects are being read into a flat list. If isTopDownRecurse where used, each object read into the list would be touched by the visitor and this can be very time consuming.



Same as isTopDownSinglePass, except iteration is from the bottom up. isBottomUpSinglePass is used for deleting objects.


Documentation generated on: 2017-08-16